"Computers are useless, they can only give you answers." Pablo Piccaso
Published on September 3, 2008 By SKoriginals In WinCustomize Talk

This is a post about nothing, for nothing and holds no true purpose other then to do something with my absolute bordom at the moment. I don't even truely know what drove me to strat this thing. But, I'm going to keep writing and if you keep reading then you must be bored out of your mind as well. Why are you reading a post called 'The nothing thread' anyway? The title even holds little intrest. Come on already, stop reading this, your wasting time you could be doing something much more productive. Answer some of those thousands of questions and threads where people need some real help. Honestly, your doing nothing now too, that makes you as bad as me for writing this useless thing. Get out there and help someone, have some fun, download some skins, comment on those things, they want to know what you truely think. All those 'Nice' comments are cool but tell a skinner what you really think. Oh no, see it started to turn into something so I got to end this cause it is after all the 'nothing' thread.

I can't believe you read that

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 03, 2008

then = than

bordom = boredom

truely = truly

strat = start

this thing. But, I'm = this thing, but I'm

intrest = interest

your = you're

your = you're

now too, that = now, too. That

truely = truly

cause = because

Jafo always focuses on the wrong things!!

on Sep 04, 2008

I used to know nothing but I forgot what it wasn't.

on Sep 04, 2008

I used to know nothing but I forgot what it wasn't.

Me too.... but then I didn't remember that I'd forgotten what it wasn't.... so I'm still none the wiser and still know nothing.

on Sep 04, 2008

I see there's still nothing happening here!

on Sep 04, 2008

This comment does not exist






[Same goes for the emoticon]

on Sep 04, 2008

then = thanbordom = boredomtruely = trulystrat = startthis thing. But, I'm = this thing, but I'mintrest = interestyour = you'reyour = you'renow too, that = now, too. Thattruely = trulycause = because
Yup...Zub has officially sucked another one into his WC takeover plot! Poor SK.........poor, poor SK!

on Sep 04, 2008

Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you're finished.

on Sep 04, 2008

Doing nothing is very hard to do ... you never know when you're finished.


Well said Po

on Sep 04, 2008



Brilliant cartoon, Zakai!

on Sep 04, 2008

who would have ever thought so much of something would have come from nothing 

on Sep 04, 2008

This nothing has me nonplussed.... and thre's such a lot of it about.


If it keeps growing at this rate I'll be nothinplussed. 

on Sep 04, 2008

Turns out this Post isn't even original nothing: So nothing here is Original Nothing and I have nothing to add!!!!

From Killerific Posts 2007:

Thursday, July 12, 2007

This Post is About Nothing

I don't wish to rub any of you cubicle monkey's faces in this fact, but I am off work for at least the next two months.

What do I have planned for that time? A lot of nothing. Some of that nothing will take place in America, some will take place in the Philippines, but nothing still the same.

I love doing nothing. In high school when we had to do a video interview stating what we would be doing in ten years, mine really said, "nothing...I hope to be homeless and surviving by doing absolutely nothing at all."

I can now say that I manage to make that dream come true at least three months out of every year. Sure I might have to work really hard for a few months to achieve this, but nothing can match the sheer happiness I feel when I wake up that first day and think to myself, "What do I have to do today? Oh yeah, not a damn thing."

I will even set my alarm clock for the first few days, just so I can happily hit the snooze button a hundred times, or even slap it off the table and keep on sleepin' on.

Hell, I'm writing this post while still in bed. I think I am going to hire a private nurse to come in for a few days to give me bed baths and clean me up when I go to the bathroom in the bed. I really want to take my nothingness to a whole new level.

If someone happens to be in the area, could you stop by and bring my cell phone to me? I hear it ringing in the other room, but I'm not getting out of bed to retrieve it. I figure if it is really important they will drive over here and tell me.
on Sep 04, 2008































on Sep 04, 2008

on Sep 04, 2008

Ok so while making that last post I thought to myself..... Hmmmm wonder if there is a nothing.com. And there is!!

Talk about turning nothing into a whole lot of something.

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