"Computers are useless, they can only give you answers." Pablo Piccaso
Published on September 3, 2008 By SKoriginals In WinCustomize Talk

This is a post about nothing, for nothing and holds no true purpose other then to do something with my absolute bordom at the moment. I don't even truely know what drove me to strat this thing. But, I'm going to keep writing and if you keep reading then you must be bored out of your mind as well. Why are you reading a post called 'The nothing thread' anyway? The title even holds little intrest. Come on already, stop reading this, your wasting time you could be doing something much more productive. Answer some of those thousands of questions and threads where people need some real help. Honestly, your doing nothing now too, that makes you as bad as me for writing this useless thing. Get out there and help someone, have some fun, download some skins, comment on those things, they want to know what you truely think. All those 'Nice' comments are cool but tell a skinner what you really think. Oh no, see it started to turn into something so I got to end this cause it is after all the 'nothing' thread.

I can't believe you read that

Comments (Page 5)
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on Sep 06, 2008

Try again.

OK... when the Berlin Wall came down, I did NOTHING to contribute to its demise.

on Sep 07, 2008

Distance is there too. That's something.

Ah but really distance doesnt exist. There's just alot of stuff between here and there.

on Sep 07, 2008

Ah but really distance doesnt exist. There's just alot of stuff between here and there.

And nothing exists within a vacuum.

Nothing exists in the folder created for the WB's I've made.

There's nothing in my shares portfolio

Worse still, stere's nothing in my bank account.... and don't say there's $0.00... I withdrew that as well.


Now if you don't hear from me again, it's because I'm about to divulge something that's been declared a matter of US National Security and is known only by a handful of people very, very close to the White House....

George Dubbya has nothing between his ears.... a fact his personal physician discovered George went to him complaining of earache.

Yup, the doc shone the light in George Dubbya's ear and noticed it was shining on his nurses uniform on the other side.

I know many of you over there already suspected this, but the poor doc was held by the NSA until he was totally brainwashed, was administered sodium pentathol to be sure he'd forgotten, and then forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement.... so ssshhhhhh.





on Sep 07, 2008

OK... when the Berlin Wall came down, I did NOTHING to contribute to its demise.

You failed to contribute, failing is SOMETHING.


Ah but really distance doesnt exist.

I'll remember that next time I'm driving to work.

There's just alot of stuff between here and there.



And nothing exists within a vacuum.

A vacuum is SOMETHING.

There's nothing in my shares portfolio

Worse still, stere's nothing in my bank account.... and don't say there's $0.00... I withdrew that as well.

Poverty is SOMETHING.

Nothing exists in the folder created for the WB's I've made.

George Dubbya has nothing between his ears.

Ya might have me on those two.  

on Sep 07, 2008


Quoting WebGizmos, reply 10

Quoting messiah1, reply 8   

on Sep 07, 2008

It's there, you just can't see it. Bacteria, dust ect.

Ah Hah! So...you saw something!

on Sep 07, 2008

Nothing exists in the folder created for the WB's I've made.

George Dubbya has nothing between his ears.

Ya might have me on those two.

The first is no secret, so I don't mind who you tell...

but for crying out lound don't tell anybody it was me who revealed GWB has nought between the ears.

I'm already paranoid cos of the black van outside with a big G on it after rubbishing Google.

If another turns up with GWB on it I'll need resuccitation and tranquilisers.

on Sep 08, 2008

I came in here hoping to find some new and interesting posts, and what do I get.....





on Sep 08, 2008


This thread has been kidnapped, the ransome is as follows....

"We demand nothing, we want nothing and we will do nothing if our demands are not met."


on Sep 08, 2008


What you got was good holesume entertainment.


We demand nothing, we want nothing and we will do nothing if our demands are not met

Just for that, We should give you SOMETHING!

on Sep 08, 2008

We demand nothing, we want nothing and we will do nothing if our demands are not met

Just for that, We should give you SOMETHING!

Yeah, he's gonna get it orright....how dare he kidnap this thread!!

Sure SK started it... but a whole load of people went to a great deal of effort to contribute their nothings, which under copyright law is their intellectual property and can not be kidnap.... ripped from their possession without consent...

Therefore, SK, being that I am a major contributor of nothind, demand that you unkidnap our nothings and return them to their rightful place.

on Sep 08, 2008

Therefore, SK, being that I am a major contributor of nothind, demand that you unkidnap our nothings and return them to their rightful place.

That'll cost you Starkers: Nothing

on Sep 08, 2008

demand that you unkidnap our nothings and return them to their rightful place.

Would that be Nowhere?

on Sep 08, 2008

That'll cost you Starkers: Nothing

That's right, put a price on it!  Suppose I'll have to go looking 'em.  Cant remember if I left 'em in the drawer or in my pants pockets....


Would that be Nowhere?

Probably... can't think of anywhere else to put 'em.


And I reckon those nothings must still be in the drawer... cos last time I put my hands in my pockets there was definitely something there.

on Sep 08, 2008

I have nothing to contribute to this thread. I'm just checking to see why all the threads stopped updating at 12:45pm on my screen. oh, and I am going to have fun playing with the new smilies.. just cause I can hehe.... that'd be wulfn3.... ooh devious looks too!! I like!! ok that was fun....hehe

[edit] hmmmm.... the editor lets you resize the smilies, but they go back to normal after you hit submit button... what no "shrug" smilie?... bummer.

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