"Computers are useless, they can only give you answers." Pablo Piccaso
Published on September 3, 2008 By SKoriginals In WinCustomize Talk

This is a post about nothing, for nothing and holds no true purpose other then to do something with my absolute bordom at the moment. I don't even truely know what drove me to strat this thing. But, I'm going to keep writing and if you keep reading then you must be bored out of your mind as well. Why are you reading a post called 'The nothing thread' anyway? The title even holds little intrest. Come on already, stop reading this, your wasting time you could be doing something much more productive. Answer some of those thousands of questions and threads where people need some real help. Honestly, your doing nothing now too, that makes you as bad as me for writing this useless thing. Get out there and help someone, have some fun, download some skins, comment on those things, they want to know what you truely think. All those 'Nice' comments are cool but tell a skinner what you really think. Oh no, see it started to turn into something so I got to end this cause it is after all the 'nothing' thread.

I can't believe you read that

Comments (Page 6)
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on Sep 09, 2008

what no "shrug" smilie?... bummer.

Yeah, that one didn't turn out so good on the day, so they put nothing in its place (which is why you can't see it) until it is fixed.


Also,  thanks for remaining with the spirit of the thread and contributing nothing, Wulfn1... not like that Drill'n Boss feller, who just couldn't resist posting several somethings and upset the (empty) apple cart.

Hmmmm!  I wonder???  If whether or not it's caused by the nothingness of the isolation out there on the oil rigs... and when he gets back to civilisation he has to surround himself with somethings to feel at home???


on Sep 09, 2008

The oilfield is in the middle of nowhere and that's where they put all the nothings, so you could be right.

on Sep 09, 2008

The oilfield is in the middle of nowhere and that's where they put all the nothings, so you could be right.

Hmmm! I wonder if you could get 'em to move them oilfields closer to home,.. like tow them in with a couple o' large towtrucks, so that drillers have more somethings to do than nothing when their shifts are done.?

That's probably why the call 'em roughnecks... and why they're so rough.  Out there in all that isolation, they have nothing to shave for, nothing to get dressed up for... and nothing to get excited about. 

Then again, you wouldn't want too many somethings around, otherwise they might become smoothnecks and get distracted from the task at hand.  Bit of a dilemma, that!

on Sep 10, 2008

Up until now, I thought politicians were the guiltiest of contributing nothing... but the people of WC's forums could very well steal that crown, going by this performance.   It has been 36 hours since someone, other than myself, has posted nothing in this thread - not to mention many others being very, very qwiet - so c'mon peoples, do something and get busy posting your nothings (somethings if you have them) before something is said about WCer's being the most nothingest people on the planet.

I mean, we don't want the noteriety of outnothinging politicians, now do we!!!!

on Sep 10, 2008

Ah but starkers, nothing posted means nothing read and therefore by posting nothing about nothing we are therefore fulfilling the point of the thread. 



Or then again I guess doing nothing and ending up fulfilling the threads purpose could be considered doing something eh.

on Sep 11, 2008

Or then again I guess doing nothing and ending up fulfilling the threads purpose could be considered doing something eh.

That's the point, you see, doing nothing requires that you must do something first... otherwise you can't distinguish between the two and life gets confusing.  For example, when somebody has done nothing all their life, and suddenly they're picking their nose, and you ask what they're doing, and they say "nothing", it's not out of embarrassment, but the fact that 'nothing' has been the standard answer all their life and were actually doing something for the very first time and didn't know it.

on Sep 11, 2008

Or then again I guess doing nothing and ending up fulfilling the threads purpose could be considered doing something eh.

Now your on the right path! No such thing as Nothing! George Dubbya does have something between his ears, but they won't let me say it here.

As for starkers WB folder, I'm still working on that.

on Sep 11, 2008

George Dubbya does have something between his ears, but they won't let me say it here.

I'm guessing it's organic... but not normally what is found between one's ears


As for starkers WB folder, I'm still working on that.

So am I... well sort of....




Orright, I've named it for if n' when I get started.

on Oct 19, 2008

Over a month and... NOTHING!

on Oct 20, 2008

Yeah, I've done so much nothing recently that I almost feel guilty... and I say almost cos I got nothing to feel guilty about.

I woulda had to have done something to feel guilty about it... and I know that I've done nothing cos the missus said so earlier.

Guess next time she asks me to take out the garbage I'll do something... being I'll be getting nothing for supper tonight unless I get something myself.

on Oct 20, 2008

Over a month and... NOTHING!

Nothing ventured......Nothing gained..........

on Oct 20, 2008

Nothing is too much for you..... luckily I have nothing in abundance and I'm more than happy to share it

on Oct 20, 2008

"   "

on Oct 20, 2008

on Oct 20, 2008

" "

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