"Computers are useless, they can only give you answers." Pablo Piccaso
Published on September 3, 2008 By SKoriginals In WinCustomize Talk

This is a post about nothing, for nothing and holds no true purpose other then to do something with my absolute bordom at the moment. I don't even truely know what drove me to strat this thing. But, I'm going to keep writing and if you keep reading then you must be bored out of your mind as well. Why are you reading a post called 'The nothing thread' anyway? The title even holds little intrest. Come on already, stop reading this, your wasting time you could be doing something much more productive. Answer some of those thousands of questions and threads where people need some real help. Honestly, your doing nothing now too, that makes you as bad as me for writing this useless thing. Get out there and help someone, have some fun, download some skins, comment on those things, they want to know what you truely think. All those 'Nice' comments are cool but tell a skinner what you really think. Oh no, see it started to turn into something so I got to end this cause it is after all the 'nothing' thread.

I can't believe you read that

Comments (Page 7)
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on Oct 20, 2008

I just turned 48. I started out in this life with nothing....and after 48 years, I still have most of it!  

on Oct 20, 2008

I came in to this world expecting nothing... and so far. I have gotten it.

on Oct 20, 2008

@HG_E:  Soooo......You're the guy who didn't get it! Or got nothing....but that would be something.....Can I have some of your nothing?

Starkers has been very generous with his!



on Oct 20, 2008

oddly enough theres always plenty of nothing to go around... and with the state of affairs in the world today..it's more abundant than ever ..

on Oct 20, 2008

oddly enough theres always plenty of nothing to go around... and with the state of affairs in the world today..it's more abundant than ever ..

You had to remind me?

I figure if I invest now, I can reap a huge profit....but I can't, coz I have nothing to invest. Well, that's not true....nothing can buy a lot of nothing....and I do have some mates here at WC....so things ain't so bad.


And there's always

on Oct 20, 2008

I had a dream about nothing last night... well it was more like a nightmare really, cos nothing good happened. I really hate it when I have that sort of a dream cos I wake up feeling nothing but depressed, rather than waking up feeling all warm and fuzzy all over cos I had a dream about something good happening.

I suppose, however, that I should thank my lucky stars, though, that something bad didn't happen... cos there's nothing worse than having a bad dream about something that may never happen and getting yer knickers in a knot over nothing at all.

Hopefully, when I go to sleep tonight, I'll dream about something and it'll be nothing bad.


on Oct 21, 2008

I had a dream about nothing last night... well it was more like a nightmare really, cos nothing good happened. I really hate it when I have that sort of a dream cos I wake up feeling nothing but depressed, rather than waking up feeling all warm and fuzzy all over cos I had a dream about something good happening.

I suppose, however, that I should thank my lucky stars, though, that something bad didn't happen... cos there's nothing worse than having a bad dream about something that may never happen and getting yer knickers in a knot over nothing at all.

Hopefully, when I go to sleep tonight, I'll dream about something and it'll be nothing bad.



on Oct 21, 2008

on Oct 21, 2008

Life is full of mysteries. Consider this one of them...

on Oct 21, 2008

But, Deionychus that would be considering the mystery of nothing, the very action is something.

The only way to respond is not to respond, and the only way to aknowledge is not to do so.

The very concept is like unto the sound of one hand getting the clap.....but that was Zen, and this is now.

on Oct 21, 2008

As long as I'm not here I might as well add nothing to what I didn't post before.

on Oct 21, 2008

WC... we really can go on for weeks about nothing...

on Oct 21, 2008

Or, being a Wizard, you could post invisibly i.e. something invisible....but that would still be something. You could post and then make it disappear....

Say, If nothing falls in the woods when no one's there to hear it, did nothing fall? 

Can a Wizop still be one if he/she posts nothing at all? Can WC be so slow that nothing happens.....or, if it goes fast, does nothing happen quickly?


on Oct 21, 2008

I've nothing to add to that...

on Oct 21, 2008

I've nothing to add to that...

"          "

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